πSenin - Sabtu : Orderan yang masuk sebelum jam 12:00 akan dikirim di hari yang sama πMinggu : Orderan akan dikirim pada hari Senin β Komplain wajib disertai dengan video saat unboxing/membuka paket :)
- The 50mm loudspeaker unit makes you immersive in the scene, feeling the shock and reality, as if you are on the battlefield, fighting for nothing - The soft all-inclusive earmuffs, skin-friendly leather material combined with large size, can comfortably fit the contours of the human ears, making it easier to wear and breathable, and not easy to get tired after long wear. - The microphone can be bent, the curvature of the microphone can be adjusted freely, and the radio can be modulated at an appropriate angle to open black and communicate without obstacles. - High-definition sound effects, restore the real, help you listen to the sound and argue. Restore the real scene music and be on the scene. - Lightweight design, suspended head beam, light and painless for a long time, play the game in a more relaxed way, and the feeling of game substitution is stronger.
Pilihan warna : *** GOLD *** SILVER *** BLUE *** RED
Perhatian : (Request warna dan alternatifnya silahkan di tulis di kolom pesanan yah, bukan melalui chat. kami usahakan kirim warna sesuai pesanan, apabila tidak ada akan kami kirimkan sesuai stok kami yang ready. Tidak menerima komplain / retur karena warna !!! )
πππSilahkan Bertanya Ke Costumer Service Kami Mengenai Produk^^
***tambahkan packing kardus untuk memperkuat keamanan packing https://shopee.co.id/product/405694627/21389144306/
πSyarat Klaim Garansi: 1. Rusak bukan karena kesalahan pengguna (terjatuh, terkena air, dsb) 2. Lengkap dengan unit, packing dan nota pembelian 3. Ongkir PP ditanggung oleh pembeli
Gambar produk
Headset Gaming Headphone Extra Bass Handsfree Bando TERMURAH TERBAIK FL-999 FLECOHeadset Gaming Headphone Extra Bass Handsfree Bando TERMURAH TERBAIK FL-999 FLECOHeadset Gaming Headphone Extra Bass Handsfree Bando TERMURAH TERBAIK FL-999 FLECO