Headphone Gaming REXUS DAXA Saturn ST1 Headset Bluetooth Wireless RGB - Putih

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    Detail Headphone Gaming REXUS DAXA Saturn ST1 Headset Bluetooth Wireless RGB - Putih

    Fitur :
    • Ultimate Triple Connecttion: Wireless 2.4GHz, Bluetooth, AUX 3.5mm
    • Easy-to-Use Detachable Dual Microphone (Built-in & Gaming)
    • Bigger Driver Speaker, 50mm Diameter
    • Playing Time up to 15 hours (Without LED)

    Spesifikasi :
    Bigger Driver Speaker, 50mm Diameter
    Powerful Sound with Rich Bass and Clarity Mid
    Bigger Battery Capacity, 1000mAH Polymer Lithium Battery
    Playing Time up to 15 hours (Without LED)
    Compatible to Multi-Device: 2.4Ghz (PS4, PS5 , Switch, PC/Mac, Smart TV, Android), Bluetooth (Android, iOS, Laptop), 3.5mm (Xbox and All Device with Aux 3.5mm Port)
    Lightweight Gaming Headset, Only 311 gram
    Fabric Material Earpad for More Comfort and Longer Usage
    8 Modes of Double Stripe RGB LED Light (Including LED off)
    Easy Control Panel: Mute, Volume Change Connection, LED on Headset

    Ukuran Produk : 50mm
    Impedansi : 320±3Ω
    Frekuensi : 20HZ - 20KHZ
    Daya Output : ≥ 20mW
    Daya Maksimal : ≥ 30mW
    Kapasitas Baterai : 1000mAH
    Tipe Baterai : Polymer Lithium Battery
    Waktu Isi Daya : ≥ 3 jam
    Penggunaan (LED on) : 10 jam
    Penggunaan (LED off) : 15 jam
    Jarak Transmisi : 10 meter maksimal
    Tegangan Kerja : 3.7V
    Tegangan Isi Daya : DC4.75-5.25/1A
    Ukuran Mikrofon Tanam : 4.0*1.5mm
    Sensitivitas Mikrofon Tanam : -32±2dB
    Ukuran Mikrofon Luar : 6.0*5.0mm
    Sensitivitas Mikrofon Luar : -40±3dB
    Indikatif Mikrofon : Omni-directional
    Titik Mikrofon : 0.05UA
    Sensitivitas Penerimaan : -80dBM
    Latensi Rendah : 22ms
    Tegangan Kerja : 5V±0.25V
    Titik Kerja : ≥ 90mA
    Frekuensi : 2.402GHz - 2.480GHz
    Daya Pemancar : 6 dBm

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    Headphone Gaming REXUS DAXA Saturn ST1 Headset Bluetooth Wireless RGB - Putih
    Headphone Gaming REXUS DAXA Saturn ST1 Headset Bluetooth Wireless RGB - Putih