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This kind of HDMI mini switcher not only has kdy-press-switching function but also has the intelligent function.
This kind of HDMI Amplifier mini Switcher routes high definition video (in multiple resolutions up to 1080p) and digital audio from any one of the several sources to display units. All inputs accomodae the connections of the high definition video sources simultaneously, compatible well for HD-DVD, SKY-STB, PS3, Xbox36, etc.
The output sends the high definition audio/video signals to a high definition display.
Features This mini HDMI Amplifier switcher has many features that enable it to perform in a superior manner. Among those featurs you will find: - 3 Port HDMI Switch with Remote Control - Support full HD 1080p - Multifunctional on switching: intelligent or mechanical - Support HDMI 1.4b - High Performance up to 2.5GBps - Maintain high resolution video beautiful, sharp HDTV resolutions up to 1080p, 2k, 1440p graphics and computer resolutions up to 1920 x 1200 are easily achieved.
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HDMI Switch 3 Port Device With RemotHDMI Switch 3 Port Device With RemotHDMI Switch 3 Port Device With Remot