Serum gel moisturiser yang mengandung Hatomugi Extract, berfungsi untuk mendinginkan, menyegarkan, menghidrasi kulit dan memperbaiki kondisi kulit wajah.
Tekstur nya ringan tapi bekerja sampai ke dalam lapisan kulit dan mempertahankan kelembaban kulit dari dalam.
Tidak mengandung minyak, jd aman dari komedo-an.
Bisa digunakan sebagai non oily moisturiser based make up atau hanya sebagai moisturizer.
A skin conditioning gel, which moisturizes skin quickly, with natural plant ingredients - barley extract (moisturizing ingredients). Refreshing and non-sticky Skin Conditioning Gel can lock the water on the skin surface, do not need to rely on oil to moisturize the skin. Mild formula, non-alcoholic; will not cause blackheads and other problems. Daily use multi-use moisturizing gel.
How to use 1. As a moisturizing serum to be applied on the skin after lotion or before applying the emulsion. 2. When you do not want to use oil-containing skin care products, it can be used as the emulsion or cream. 3. After cleansing or bathing, apply directly on to the skin. 4 Apply on skin for a thick layer for about 5 minutes as a moisturizing mask. 5. Texture is not sticky, can be used on face and body.