Detail Hard case casing cover model silicone Samsung Note 9
Cover is an easy-to-hold, durable case to protect your phone without sacrificing style. The precision designed cover is made of a soft-touch silicone, providing an excellent grip and protection with minimal bulkiness. Spesifikasi - Reliable corner and back protection. - Made of soft-touch, non-slip
Kompatibel: Samsung Note 9
Bahan: hardcase , bagian dalam bludru halus Model seperti silicone original samsung (BUKAN ORIGINAL YA, HANYA MODEL MIRIP SEPERTI ORIGINAL)
warna: hitam, merah, Pink, abu
Nb: mohon pada saat order masukkan warna utama dan warna cadangan, jika tidak menulis warna akan kami kirim random sesuai persediaan yang ada.