Detail Happy Dog Vet Adipositas Diet 1KG Makanan Anjing Overweight Obesitas Gemuk
Happy Dog Vet Adipositas Diet 1KG Makanan Anjing Overweight Obesitas
happy dog vet diet adipositas adalah makanan utama dengan gizi seimbang dan kandungan yang di sesuaikan untuk anjing dewasa yang mengalami masalah kegemukan/kelebihan berat badan. serat alami tinggi yang terkandung di dalam happy dog vet diet adipositas sangat baik untuk proses metabolisme anjing yang mengalami masalah kegemukan.
happy dog vet diet adipositas/obesity is used to reduce excess weight. the main features of this diet are the significantly reduced energy and carbohydrate contents. it is rich in high-grade protein and filling roughage. the special recipe creates the optimum conditions for weight reduction while protecting the internal organs. effectively helps to improve and maintain the physical constitution.the rosemary and ginger ingredients contained in the natural life concept are traditionally used as a supplement to stimulate the metabolism.