Detail HAPPY DOG kalengan SENSITIVE PURE BUFFALO ITALY 400g makanan basah
100% buffalo. 0% herbal additives. With Happy Dog Buffalo wet dog food, nature comes into the food bowl! Our high-quality wet dog food is made from100% valuable meat and offal exclusively from buffalo and contains essential vitamins and minerals. It is made without soy or other vegetable additives and contains onlya single source of protein .
Who is pure buffalo suitable for? It is suitable for adult dogs of all breeds and for feeding sensitive dogs with food intolerances.
Do you want fiber? Pure buffalo can also be combined perfectly with our flake mixer. For an all-round healthy dog nutrition.
composition Meat and animal by-products (buffalo muscle meat, buffalo liver, lungs and stomach) *, minerals. * Due to the manufacturing process, it may contain traces of other proteins. Metabolizable en
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HAPPY DOG kalengan SENSITIVE PURE BUFFALO ITALY 400g makanan basahHAPPY DOG kalengan SENSITIVE PURE BUFFALO ITALY 400g makanan basahHAPPY DOG kalengan SENSITIVE PURE BUFFALO ITALY 400g makanan basah