GY-346 ADXL346 Sensor module Alternative ADXL345 module IIC I2C GY346

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Detail GY-346 ADXL346 Sensor module Alternative ADXL345 module IIC I2C GY346

Deskripsi Produk
ADXL346 is a small, thin, low power consumption, three axis accelerometer (13 bit) measurement with high resolution up to + / - 16 g. Digital output data format for a 16-bit binary, and can be through a SPI (3 - or 4 lines) or the I2C digital interface.

The ADXL346 is very suitable for mobile application products. It measuring acceleration of gravity in tilt sensor application, static and dynamic accelerated motion or vibration acceleration caused by the use of its high resolution (4 mg/LSB) can measure the tilt Angle change is less than 1 degree.

Provide some special induction function. Such as remote sensing detection of activity and inactivity compares the presence or lack of movement of the acceleration of any of the axial acceleration and g values set by the user. Click the sensor detection in single, double click on any direction. Free fall sensor detection, if the equipment is falling down.

ADXL356 built-in directional detection ability of concurrent, six position detection and available to the user selected notices of the interrupt controller. These functions can separate mapped to the following two kinds of interrupt output pin. An integrated, is applying for patent of memory management system, 32 magnitude first-in, first-out (FIFO) buffers, can be used to store data, as far as possible to reduce the activity of host processor, reduce the power consumption of the whole system. Low power mode to make intelligent sports power management and threshold detection and active acceleration measurement in very low power consumption.

Product specification

# of Axes3
Range+-2 4 8 G16
Sensitivityup to 256 LSB g
Output TypeDigital
Typical Bandwidth (kHz)1.6kHz
Supply Current 145A

Product features

Ultralow power: as low as 23 A
Freefall detection
Single tap do

Gambar produk

GY-346 ADXL346 Sensor module Alternative ADXL345 module IIC I2C GY346
GY-346 ADXL346 Sensor module Alternative ADXL345 module IIC I2C GY346