Granola Addict is a healthy snack to accompany your healthy lifestyle. it’s a mix of high-quality ingredients that makes granola addict is such a good snack to consume whenever and wherever. it can be eaten directly or mixed with milk, yogurt, honey, smoothies or anything you like according to your taste.
100% High Fiber / Banyak mengandung serat 0 - No preservatives / Tanpa bahan pengawet.
Cara Penyimpanan: Simpan di dalam wadah tertutup yang kedap udara, kering, dan terhindar dari sinar matahari langsung.
Cara penyajian: - Dimakan langsung sebagai cemilan - Dijadikan toping smoothie bowl - Dicampur dengan susu / yogurt Granola Addict is a healthy snack to accompany your healthy lifestyle. it’s a mix of high-quality ingredients that makes granola addict is such a good snack to consume whenever and wherever. it can be eaten directly or mixed with milk, yogurt, honey, smoothies or anything you like according to your taste.