GOOLOOK Lampu LED Strip Flexible Smart App Music Mode RGB with Remote GL3 Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Lid Lampu Lid Lampu Led Mio Lampu Led Mio Lapu Led Motor Lapu Led Motor Lampu Aquarium Yamano Lampu Aqu
GOOLOOK Lampu LED Strip Flexible Smart App Music Mode RGB with Remote GL3 Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Lid Lampu Lid Lampu Led Mio Lampu Led Mio Lapu Led Motor Lapu Led Motor Lampu Aquarium Yamano Lampu Aqu
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Elektronik > Lampu > Lampu Lainnya > GOOLOOK Lampu LED Strip Flexible Smart App Music Mode RGB with Remote GL3 Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Lid Lampu Lid Lampu Led Mio Lampu Led Mio Lapu Led Motor Lapu Led Motor Lampu Aquarium Yamano Lampu Aqu
Detail GOOLOOK Lampu LED Strip Flexible Smart App Music Mode RGB with Remote GL3 Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Lid Lampu Lid Lampu Led Mio Lampu Led Mio Lapu Led Motor Lapu Led Motor Lampu Aquarium Yamano Lampu Aqu
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Terhubung ke Aplikasi Seluler Tak perlu beranjak dari posisi Anda untuk mengubah mode lampu. Cukup atur melalui aplikasi khusus pada smartphone Anda dengan mudah. Tata cara penggunaan aplikasi ini dapat Anda lihat dengan jelas melalui buku panduan yang tersedia.
Anti Air Lampu LED strip RGB telah dibekali material tahan air dengan kelas IP67. Kelas tersebut membuat lampu dapat digunakan di luar ruangan sebagai penghias di malam hari. Lampu tetap beroperasi dengan baik meski terkena debu atau cipratan air.
Remote kontrol Terdapat sebuah remote yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mengendalikan warna lampu LED Strip dari jarak jauh. Remot inijuga memungkinkan warna dan mode lampu dapat diatur agar dapat menciptakan efek menarik sesuai dengan lagu yang sedang diputar.
Spesifikasi GOOLOOK Lampu LED Strip Flexible Smart App Music Mode RGB with Remote - GL3 Tipe LED : 5050 RGB Daya / Power : 5 V, < 30 W Lain-lain : Waterproof Rate: IP67 Waterproof
Gambar produk
GOOLOOK Lampu LED Strip Flexible Smart App Music Mode RGB with Remote GL3 Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Lid Lampu Lid Lampu Led Mio Lampu Led Mio Lapu Led Motor Lapu Led Motor Lampu Aquarium Yamano Lampu AquGOOLOOK Lampu LED Strip Flexible Smart App Music Mode RGB with Remote GL3 Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Lid Lampu Lid Lampu Led Mio Lampu Led Mio Lapu Led Motor Lapu Led Motor Lampu Aquarium Yamano Lampu AquGOOLOOK Lampu LED Strip Flexible Smart App Music Mode RGB with Remote GL3 Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Lid Lampu Lid Lampu Led Mio Lampu Led Mio Lapu Led Motor Lapu Led Motor Lampu Aquarium Yamano Lampu AquGOOLOOK Lampu LED Strip Flexible Smart App Music Mode RGB with Remote GL3 Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Lid Lampu Lid Lampu Led Mio Lampu Led Mio Lapu Led Motor Lapu Led Motor Lampu Aquarium Yamano Lampu AquGOOLOOK Lampu LED Strip Flexible Smart App Music Mode RGB with Remote GL3 Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Lid Lampu Lid Lampu Led Mio Lampu Led Mio Lapu Led Motor Lapu Led Motor Lampu Aquarium Yamano Lampu AquGOOLOOK Lampu LED Strip Flexible Smart App Music Mode RGB with Remote GL3 Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Lid Lampu Lid Lampu Led Mio Lampu Led Mio Lapu Led Motor Lapu Led Motor Lampu Aquarium Yamano Lampu AquGOOLOOK Lampu LED Strip Flexible Smart App Music Mode RGB with Remote GL3 Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Philips Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Led Panjang Lampu Lid Lampu Lid Lampu Led Mio Lampu Led Mio Lapu Led Motor Lapu Led Motor Lampu Aquarium Yamano Lampu Aqu