Made from timothy hay dan alfalfa hay, 100% natural dan dikeringkan secara alami, tanpa bahan kimia. Dapat menjaga kesehatan gigi hewan sebagai chewing snack, juga bisa menjadi mainan hewan as boredom breaker atau penghilang rasa bosan hewan peliharaan agar tidak stress yah🌼
Harga untuk 1 gantungan dengan pilihan rasa: 1. Hay cake with apple stick 2. Hay cake sugar cane/sweet bamboo
Gambar produk
Gigitan kelinci hay cake gantung | Rabbit molar toys | grinding teeth | boredom breaker | hay biscuit mix with apple stick sugar cane | hanging toys | timothy hay skewGigitan kelinci hay cake gantung | Rabbit molar toys | grinding teeth | boredom breaker | hay biscuit mix with apple stick sugar cane | hanging toys | timothy hay skewGigitan kelinci hay cake gantung | Rabbit molar toys | grinding teeth | boredom breaker | hay biscuit mix with apple stick sugar cane | hanging toys | timothy hay skewGigitan kelinci hay cake gantung | Rabbit molar toys | grinding teeth | boredom breaker | hay biscuit mix with apple stick sugar cane | hanging toys | timothy hay skewGigitan kelinci hay cake gantung | Rabbit molar toys | grinding teeth | boredom breaker | hay biscuit mix with apple stick sugar cane | hanging toys | timothy hay skewGigitan kelinci hay cake gantung | Rabbit molar toys | grinding teeth | boredom breaker | hay biscuit mix with apple stick sugar cane | hanging toys | timothy hay skew