Detail GENUINE Quick Hair Style Satu Alat Untuk Meluruskan & Menyisir Rambut
itur Produk: - Volumize hair, flatten side hair & straighten curly hair - No hair damage: Even heat avoids any "hot spot" to overburn your hair - Safe to use: The comb acts as a protective cover against the heating plate to prevent hair from overburning - Easy to use: Just comb to fix your messy hair - Quick heating: Preheat within 15 seconds - Reduce frizzing & detangling - Long-lasting: Amazing effect maintained throughout the day - Lightweight & ergonomic handle:Comfortable to grip without feeling tired easily - Quick Hair Styler for Men delivers professional hair styling on the go! - It VOLUMIZES flat hair, STRAIGHTENS curly hair & FLATTENS side hair naturally with even & damage-free heating.
Specification: 26.5cm x 5.5cm x 8.1cm Optimum Temperature: 120 degree
Cara Pakai - Nyalakan power - Panaskan selama 15 detik dan pasang sisirnya - Pastikan sisir terkunci di posisi yg tepat
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GENUINE Quick Hair Style Satu Alat Untuk Meluruskan & Menyisir RambutGENUINE Quick Hair Style Satu Alat Untuk Meluruskan & Menyisir RambutGENUINE Quick Hair Style Satu Alat Untuk Meluruskan & Menyisir RambutGENUINE Quick Hair Style Satu Alat Untuk Meluruskan & Menyisir Rambut