Detail Gembok kunci pengaman rantai rante sepeda motor helm pagar rumah kabel
Dilapis plastik elastis. Sehingga tidak mudah karat. good quality rantai besi
Sangat cocok.untuk.kunci sepeda maupun motor. Untuk pagar dan ban cadangan
Bahan bagus kuat tidak mudah untuk di buka :D
This multipurpose steel cable key lock for your helmet, bike and cycles. It can
be used to rope lock for your luggage, bags and accessories. It is made of high
quality material and comes in a length of 70 centimetre with a thickness of
eight millimetre. We offers top of the line international cycling and endurance
accessories and merchandise products. Its core strength is to serve the Indian
cycling community with world class cycling accessories at affordable price.
Gambar produk
Gembok kunci pengaman rantai rante sepeda motor helm pagar rumah kabelGembok kunci pengaman rantai rante sepeda motor helm pagar rumah kabel