Note : * Barang yg kami Jual semua Baru, Asli, Ori, dan bergaransi resmi GEA * Berat yg kami setting hanya 1kg, BUKAN berat sesungguhnya. * Silahkan utk menghubungi admin kami utk pengiriman keluar kota, agar bs disetting berat yg sesungguhnya. * Dimohon utk menanyakan STOK dan biaya Ongkir sblm melakukan transaksi * Silahkan menggunakan Opsi JNE reg, pengiriman oleh ARMADA toko.
Highlight Produk ; Round Edge And Corner : Food Residual And Water Can Be Easily Cleaned To Reduce Bacteria And Guarantee The Safety Of Food. Lock AndKey Digitall Controller : Precisely Control And Display The Temperature Of Food Due To User Demand. Monoblock Cooling System : Fast Cooling And High Efficiency. Save More Space In Cabinet And Easy Maintenance And Cleaning. Extra-Thick Insulation: 60 Mm Thickness Of Insulation. Better Heat Preservation To Reduce Energy Consumption. Shelf And Guide : The Height Of Shelves Is Adjustable Due To The Size Of Stored Product.
Model & Tipe : URC 1800 6D Voltase : 220V Frekuensi : 50/60 Hz Daya Listrik : 1000 Watt Material : Stainless Steel Jumlah Rak : 9 Pcs Volume : 1500 Liter Temprature Suhu : -2 ~ +10’C Sistem Pendingin : R134a Berat : 245 Kg Dimensi : 1995 x 700 x 2050 mm