Sikat gigi bayi isi 3 pcs / Sikat Gigi Bayi 3 step / Baby tooth brush Dental health should start from young. Our toothbrush set comes with a tongue cleaner which gently cleans baby tongue and gums, and removes milk residual and coating on the tongue; toothbrush trainer anti-slide snail rings designed for effort-saving; baby toothbrush
Ultra-soft circle: gently cleans baby tongue and gums, and removes the milk residual and coating on the tongues Snail Patten: Unique anti-slide snail rings designed for effort-saving Streamline, soft and Curved Handle; easy for parents to hold, safer to use on baby toothbrush are with Cushion Head: protects baby from swallowing and safe for baby to clean brushing independently -Tongue Cleaner - Toothbrush Trainer - Baby Toothbrush - Tooth brush stopper KEMASAN: OPP -REAL PICTURE -3in1 SET Perwatan Gigi & Gusi Si kecil -1 Sikat gigi dengan bulu super halus dan lembut -1 Gigitan yg dilengkapi brush lembut terbuat dari silicon -1 Pembersih Lidah dengan aplikator silikon yg lembut dan halus -1 Safatey Baffle -Set lengkap yg sangat memudahkan bunda untuk melakukan perawatan mulut si kecik -Bahan nyaman dan aman untuk si kecil -Brush terbuat dari bahan yg sangat nyaman untuk si kecil - Kemasan plastik OPP