Detail Garnis depan dan belakang allnew rush terios
garnis depan dan belakang all-new rush / terios black / hitam doff,
bahan : plastik abs
warna : hitam doff tidak pudar karena memang bahannya sudah hitam doff bukan di cat.
sudah terdapat lem 3m nya tinggal pasang saja anda pun bisa memasangnya sendiri.
NB: Harga diatas sudah harga paket depan dan belakang.
Terima kasih
front and rear garris all-new rush / terios black / black doff,
Material: ABS plastic
Color: matte black does not fade because the material is matte black, not painted.
there is already 3m glue, just install it, you can install it yourself.
NB: The price above is the price of the front and back packages.
thank you
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