Fun employed is a card-based party game in which everyones trying to become employed. Apply for real jobs, like astronaut, lawyer or priest, with unreal qualifications, such as a dragon, the ability to speak panda, or a DeLorean. In the game, each player uses his qualifications to convince the other players that he is the best qualified for a job. To do this, players tell the story of why their qualifications make them the best fit for a job by role-playing and acting like they are on an interview. Find innovative ways to use your qualifications and become the most funemployed player at the table!
Barang ini adalah non original, melainkan Replica Ori Membeli = Memahami dan menyetujui
Berikut jam operasional kami: Senin - Sabtu. Minggu Kurir ANTERAJA TUTUP, maka paket yang menggunakan kurir ANTERAJA akan dikirim hari berikutnya 🙏 Pengiriman maksimal jam 14:30 akan dikirim pada hari yang sama
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