Detail Forbis Baby Powder Shampoo Anjing Kucing / For Dog Cat
Made in Korea All forbis products made by natural ingredients. 1. Forbis deodorant spray 1000ml (berfungsi sebagai anti odor dan disinfektan, digunakan untuk menghilangkan bakteri penyebab tidak sedap pada furniture, potty area, maupun area tidur hewan) 2. Forbis baby powder shampoo 550ml (Shampoo yang mengandung konditioner dengan wangi baby powder yang lembut dan tahan lama) 3. Forbis perfume 300ml (sebagai parfum dan anti kusut digunakan ketika sehabis mandi ataupun ketika menyisir bulu hewan) It's the shampoo produced mild especially for the animals having a frail and soft skin and hair. The mild cleansing property, originated from coconuts and natural aloe cleanse the delicate and sensitive skin cleanly and healthy while helping the indumentum by supplying the skin with nourishment and miniaturization. Please try to feel the cheerful babypowder scent