Your favorite cotton pad is finally back. Now it comes in a new package with still, specially-designed drawstring bag and more cotton pad counts. From 60 counts to 80 counts, but with exactly the same price. Told you we listen!
Kapas ini dirancang khusus untuk penggunaan kulit wajah dan mata sehingga memiliki tekstur yang lembut. Terdiri dari 80 Pads.
1. 100% kapas organik
2. Kuat, bertahan lebih lama saat digunakan
3. Lint Free, tidak ada serat yang mengganggu di wajah
For Skin Type:
Semua jenis kulit
100% Organic Cotton Wholly certified organic cotton, from the outer until the inside layer of the cotton, and no artificial coloring.
Plushier Gentler feeling on your skin, making you less lazy to do the routine.
Stronger Last longer when used, means less cotton used.