Perlengkapan Rumah > Peralatan Makan > Cangkir, Mug, & Gelas > FOODI Tali gratis Coca-Cola special edition LED Thermos Water Bottle Cup of Coffee Stainless steel 316 tumbler kaca
Detail FOODI Tali gratis Coca-Cola special edition LED Thermos Water Bottle Cup of Coffee Stainless steel 316 tumbler kaca
Video perkenalan produk FOODI Tali gratis Coca-Cola special edition LED Thermos Water Bottle Cup of Coffee Stainless steel 316 tumbler kaca. Sumber: Shopee.
Hai sayang Welcome To The Foodi Store - Ecentio Specialty Store 🎇🎇 Toko FOODI akan melayani Anda 24 jam sehari, jangan ragu untuk belanja di toko kami❤ (tersedia untuk harga grosir, silahkan lanjut hubungi kami)
Nama Produk: Coca-Cola special edition thermos LED Classic Bahan: PP, ABS, silikon, lapisan luar : stainless steel 304, lapisan dalam: stainless steel 316 Warna: Merah
Kapasitas: 590ml/590ml/360ml Ukuran produk: 8.5*8.5*17.5cm/6.8*6.8*18.2cm/8.5*8.5*12cm
Berat: Berat bersih 327g/213g/327g, Berat kotor 397g/392g/397g Packing: Kotak warna-warni Daftar produk: thermos *1 lanyard *2
Stainless steel 316 food grade, Daya tahan panas hingga 16 jam 1. Tahan suhu tinggi 2. Tahan oksidasi 3. Anti korosi
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FOODI Tali gratis Coca-Cola special edition LED Thermos Water Bottle Cup of Coffee Stainless steel 316 tumbler kacaFOODI Tali gratis Coca-Cola special edition LED Thermos Water Bottle Cup of Coffee Stainless steel 316 tumbler kacaFOODI Tali gratis Coca-Cola special edition LED Thermos Water Bottle Cup of Coffee Stainless steel 316 tumbler kacaFOODI Tali gratis Coca-Cola special edition LED Thermos Water Bottle Cup of Coffee Stainless steel 316 tumbler kacaFOODI Tali gratis Coca-Cola special edition LED Thermos Water Bottle Cup of Coffee Stainless steel 316 tumbler kacaFOODI Tali gratis Coca-Cola special edition LED Thermos Water Bottle Cup of Coffee Stainless steel 316 tumbler kacaFOODI Tali gratis Coca-Cola special edition LED Thermos Water Bottle Cup of Coffee Stainless steel 316 tumbler kacaFOODI Tali gratis Coca-Cola special edition LED Thermos Water Bottle Cup of Coffee Stainless steel 316 tumbler kacaFOODI Tali gratis Coca-Cola special edition LED Thermos Water Bottle Cup of Coffee Stainless steel 316 tumbler kaca