FOCALLURE Makeup 2pcs/Set- Long-lasting Velvet-Mist Lip Clay#302 + Waterproof Superfine Black Eyeliner

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Detail FOCALLURE Makeup 2pcs/Set- Long-lasting Velvet-Mist Lip Clay#302 + Waterproof Superfine Black Eyeliner

[Bibir Romantis, Lembut dan Mewah] Velvet-mist lipclay Baru, yang akan membuat bibir Anda terlihat lembut seperti kapas. Saat Anda pertama kali menerapkan, ini akan terlihat seperti clay, setelah itu akan menjadi hasil velvet mi[st
[Ringan & Halus ] Aplikator sikat yang berbentuk love dengan tekstur clay lembut akan memberikan bibir Anda lembut seperti sutra. Formula uiksnya dengan memiliki pigmentasi tinggi yang akan meninggalkan warna pada bibir anda dan membuat lipclay tahan lama
[sangat Tahan Air] Dengan tekstur clay, tidak larut dalam air, dengan efek super tahan air. Akan luntur atau transfer sedikit, tetapi warnanya akan tetap di bibir Anda
[Penggunaan Ganda] Velvet Mist halus tidak hanya di gunakan pada bibir Anda, tetapi juga pada pipi Anda, dan memberikan kesan feminim yang alami pada Wajah Anda

FOCALURE Superfine Liquid eyeliner
1.Keep all day (True Test)
One of the most important qualities in a liquid eyeliner is that one application will stay in place all day and remain smudge and fade resistant against humidity, sweat, and tears. It promises 12-hour waterproof wear.
2. Flexible Felt Tip
The felt tip gives you the flexibility to play with your lines—light pressure will give you a discreet thin line, while applying with more pressure will give you a thicker, bolder look.
3. Easy to remove.
Just some regular makeup remover can make removal as easy as application was.

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FOCALLURE Makeup 2pcs/Set- Long-lasting Velvet-Mist Lip Clay#302 + Waterproof Superfine Black Eyeliner
FOCALLURE Makeup 2pcs/Set- Long-lasting Velvet-Mist Lip Clay#302 + Waterproof Superfine Black Eyeliner
FOCALLURE Makeup 2pcs/Set- Long-lasting Velvet-Mist Lip Clay#302 + Waterproof Superfine Black Eyeliner
FOCALLURE Makeup 2pcs/Set- Long-lasting Velvet-Mist Lip Clay#302 + Waterproof Superfine Black Eyeliner
FOCALLURE Makeup 2pcs/Set- Long-lasting Velvet-Mist Lip Clay#302 + Waterproof Superfine Black Eyeliner
FOCALLURE Makeup 2pcs/Set- Long-lasting Velvet-Mist Lip Clay#302 + Waterproof Superfine Black Eyeliner
FOCALLURE Makeup 2pcs/Set- Long-lasting Velvet-Mist Lip Clay#302 + Waterproof Superfine Black Eyeliner
FOCALLURE Makeup 2pcs/Set- Long-lasting Velvet-Mist Lip Clay#302 + Waterproof Superfine Black Eyeliner
FOCALLURE Makeup 2pcs/Set- Long-lasting Velvet-Mist Lip Clay#302 + Waterproof Superfine Black Eyeliner
FOCALLURE Makeup 2pcs/Set- Long-lasting Velvet-Mist Lip Clay#302 + Waterproof Superfine Black Eyeliner
FOCALLURE Makeup 2pcs/Set- Long-lasting Velvet-Mist Lip Clay#302 + Waterproof Superfine Black Eyeliner
FOCALLURE Makeup 2pcs/Set- Long-lasting Velvet-Mist Lip Clay#302 + Waterproof Superfine Black Eyeliner
FOCALLURE Makeup 2pcs/Set- Long-lasting Velvet-Mist Lip Clay#302 + Waterproof Superfine Black Eyeliner
FOCALLURE Makeup 2pcs/Set- Long-lasting Velvet-Mist Lip Clay#302 + Waterproof Superfine Black Eyeliner

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