Perawatan & Kecantikan > Kosmetik Mata > Eyeshadow > FOCALLURE FA08 10 Warna Eyeshadow Palette Nude Eye Shadow with Brush Untuk Mata kosmetik Alis High Pigment And Smooth Po
Detail FOCALLURE FA08 10 Warna Eyeshadow Palette Nude Eye Shadow with Brush Untuk Mata kosmetik Alis High Pigment And Smooth Po
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Focallure Ten Colors Eye Shadow Beauty Makeup Shimmer Matte Eyeshadow Earth Color Eyeshadow Palette Cosmetic
Colour: 01: Classic earth color, different wonderful 02: Fantastic Deep Eyes 03: Warm and sweet, stylish and beautiful 04: Bright color, create charming eyes
Features: • Creates bright, luminous eyes • Delivers pure color for a lustrous finish • Long wear, 8-hour wear that does not fade • Wet Process solvent allows for soft, silky sheen powders with a high pay-off concentration