Detail flormar 4in1 complete care/flormar base coat/flormar top coat
NEW dan Limited Edition! handcarry pas kemarin ke turki
MATTIFYING TOUCH TOP COAT (11ml) ---> Mampu mengubah tampilan Kutek dari Glossy menjadi Matte!
QUICK DRY EXTRA SHINE TOP COAT (11ml) ---> Cepet Kering, Glossy Look Flormar Quick Dry Extra Shine allows nail polish to dry quickly and makes the nail polish look glossier.
4 IN 1 COMPLETE CARE (11ml) ---> Bisa jadi Base Coat dan Top Coat Flormar 4 in 1 Complete Set is a nail primer that can be used as both primer coat and top coat with 4 different effects on the nail. These 4 effects are strengthening, moisturizing, healthy growth and polishing the nail surface.
TOTAL REPAIR (11ml) ----> Nail care primer yang Melindungi kuku dan memperbaiki kuku anda dari kerusakan It makes your soft and easily breaking nails harder and stronger by using the Flormar care primer regularly.
EXTRA DAYS (11ml) ---> Membuat tampilan kutek lebih glowing dan Tahan Lama It helps you by extending the period of nail polish.
PEEL OFF BASE COAT (11ml) ---> Membuat kutek regular anda lebih mudah dibersihkan, tinggal dikelupas! Tanpa remover!