flazz card gen 2 / e money disney princess tiana & the frog

Merek: BCA Flazz
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Detail flazz card gen 2 / e money disney princess tiana & the frog

Next : Princess Tiana! ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š

Princess Tiana Disney theme Flazz card gen 2 / e-money Mandiri illustrated by Bear&Co.Store ๐Ÿค

FREE CUSTOM NAME โ™ฅ๏ธ mohon tulis detail di notes orderan apabila mau custom name yaa / dibiarkan original yaa

Spec :
- bisa pilih mau Flazz gen- 2 (bisa di isi via mobile BCA di android NFC dan iphone 8 ke atas) atau E-Money
- One side printed.
- Menggunakan UV printing bukan sticker / garskin, jadi gambar lebih tajam dan tahan lama yah
- no money inside, please top up by yourself yahh ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ’–

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flazz card gen 2 / e money disney princess tiana & the frog
flazz card gen 2 / e money disney princess tiana & the frog
flazz card gen 2 / e money disney princess tiana & the frog
flazz card gen 2 / e money disney princess tiana & the frog