Detail FIRST WORDS Buku Bayi Early Learners board book - kata pertama bbw
Video perkenalan produk FIRST WORDS Buku Bayi Early Learners board book - kata pertama bbw. Sumber: Shopee.
Buku ini tentang First Word dan First Sentences. Mom bisa merangsang si kecil untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari bukunya, si kecil menjawab dengan melihat gambarnya..
From mom and dad to bicycle and bear, little learners will love exploring the world of first words in this fun lift - the - flap book.
Full of engaging questions and adorable illustrations, this book is perfect for pre-schoolers
Publis By: Caterpillar Books
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FIRST WORDS Buku Bayi Early Learners board book - kata pertama bbwFIRST WORDS Buku Bayi Early Learners board book - kata pertama bbwFIRST WORDS Buku Bayi Early Learners board book - kata pertama bbw