Detail Fingerprint Mesin Absensi & Akses Pintu Sidik Jari ZKTeco SF300
access control and time attendance management. Wiegand output makes SF300 flexible to connect with ZK or any 3rd party controllers as a slave reader, Additionally, wiegand input allows two units of SF300 to configure with each other and utilize Master & Slave solution, which requires user verification at both entrance and exit. Meanwhile, anti-passback function can be used to maximize the security. Auxiliary input interface allows SF300 to connect with an external source, for instance, a smoke detector or emergency switch. Once the linkage function is enabled through the machine menu, the device would generate an alarm signal and open the door in case of emergency. 1500 Fingerprint Capacity 5000 Mifare Card/Tag 80.000 Transaction Records LCD Display: 2.8" Touch Screen TCP/IP & RS232 Communication Interface Software Attendance & Standalone SDK Ready Dimension : 105mm(L) X 105mm(W) X 32mm(H) Access Control Interface : 3rd party electric lock, door sensor, exit button, alarm, DoorBell Support Antipassback, Wiegand In & Out
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Fingerprint Mesin Absensi & Akses Pintu Sidik Jari ZKTeco SF300Fingerprint Mesin Absensi & Akses Pintu Sidik Jari ZKTeco SF300