Finger splint new penopang jari pasca cidera

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Detail Finger splint new penopang jari pasca cidera

What is the Mallet Finger Splint?
Mallet Finger is most commonly known as basketball finger. The injury occurs when the tip of the finger has taken a hard impact forcing the tip of the finger down resulting in over-stretch in the extensor ligament of the finger. Treatment for this is to immobilise the tip of the affected finger in a special splint Mallet Splint.

The splint is made of plastic shaped like a well secure sleeve covering the tip of the finger including the last joint of the finger. It is secured in place by using tape and is intended to be kept on for protection and immobilisation to enhance healing.

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Finger splint new penopang jari pasca cidera
Finger splint new penopang jari pasca cidera
Finger splint new penopang jari pasca cidera
Finger splint new penopang jari pasca cidera
Finger splint new penopang jari pasca cidera
Finger splint new penopang jari pasca cidera
Finger splint new penopang jari pasca cidera
Finger splint new penopang jari pasca cidera