Detail Film Viewer Lamp / Lampu Rontgen / Alat Baca Hasil Rontgen / Lampu Baca Rontgen / Film Viewer
X ray film illuminator, single, slim, stylis design, bahan frame aluminium, screen bahan white polymethyl methacrylate plate, uniform brigthness, economi, lampu tahan lama.
Spesifikasi Type : Single Screen Size :36 x 44 cm (PxL) Outer Size :44 x 7.5 x 57 cm (PxLxT) Optical Specification : no flash in the screen, luminance at center > 1000 cd/m2 Continuosly Working : >24h The Stability of Luminance : 15 minutes Noise : 40dB Voltage : AC 220v, 50Hz Power Consumption :150w
Nomor lzin Edar AKL 11501012422
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Film Viewer Lamp / Lampu Rontgen / Alat Baca Hasil Rontgen / Lampu Baca Rontgen / Film Viewer