Detail Fifine K678 USB Condenser Microphone with Volume and Headphone Control
✅NEW PRODUCT & ORIGINAL 100% ✅READY STOCK DAN SIAP KIRIM ✅GRAB / GOJEK READY FAST -------------------------------------------------------------- Features : - Durable metal construction: die-cast zinc with heavy-gauge meth grille that gives this product a premium feel. - 3.5mm stereo headphone output - 2m long USB cable - 5/8 inch male to 3/8 female mic thread screw-type adapter - Control knobs for both microphone and headset volumes - Direct latency-free monitoring - USB output enables direct integration with pretty much any device nowadays - CD-quality recording to software-based applications without preamplifier
Ringkasan : Fifine K678 adalah salah satu mikrofon kondensor USB terbaik yang pernah diproduksi oleh perusahaan fifine, dimana mic ini bahkan dapat mengalahkan mic merek lain dengan harga yang lebih mahal.
Pada mic USB Fifine K678, Anda akan mendapatkan kombinasi kepraktisan dan playability dengan indikator LED, tombol mute, volume dial dan jack headphone, yang membuat mic ini sangat cocok untuk podcasting, gaming, recording atau bahkan bernyanyi.
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Fifine K678 USB Condenser Microphone with Volume and Headphone ControlFifine K678 USB Condenser Microphone with Volume and Headphone ControlFifine K678 USB Condenser Microphone with Volume and Headphone ControlFifine K678 USB Condenser Microphone with Volume and Headphone ControlFifine K678 USB Condenser Microphone with Volume and Headphone Control