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.Create dazzling designs with my astonishingly authentic fairy light brushes. They were sourced from genuine lights and use an innovative layered brush system to combine two types of brushes to great effect. Perfect for seasonal and celebratory projects!
So how does a layered brush work?
I've used a graphic style to combine wire and bulb brushes. You can apply the style to a vector shape or line instantly - there's no complex system. (This feature is available for Illustrator CS5 - CC only)New to graphic styles? - I've included extensive usage documentation.
Alternatively and for more flexibility, the two types of brushes can be used separately - this second method provides the opportunity to further customize your designs by individually rotating and placing each bulb for maximum realism (This feature is available for Illustrator CS1-CC). You can even create mixed color combos.
The bulbs come in twelve colors but I've included instructions explaining how to adjust them to create your own varieties.
The pack contains all of these fantastic components:
The Brushes
12 Bulb Brushes and a Wire Brush.
If you are a tablet user, you'll be pleased to know that a version of the brushes with pressure sensitivity enabled is included. (Please note that this feature works in Illustrator CS5+).
The Graphic Styles
The one click layered brush system in twelve colors.
Please note: the graphic styles are compatible with Illustrator CS5, CS6 and CC only.
A quick reference guide
This will help you find the right brushes for the task in hand quickly.
Example files
A number of the preview images. Use these to see how I achieved the look.
Please note: the example files and guide are compatible with Illustrator CS5 through CC only.
A very thorough guide on how to load, apply and then adjust the brushes is supplied.
Please note! This product is compatible with Illustrator CS1 to CC only (except where otherwise stated above).