Detail ETUDE HOUSE - Wonder Pore Freshner Ultra Mint Vinegar
Formula terbaru Wonder Pore menggantikan alcohol di formula sblmnya dengan Ultra Mint Vinegar yang lebih minimal efek iritasi pada kulit sensitive, jd di formula baru ini, alkoholnya tidak se strong formula lama.
Cocok buat kamu yg ada keluhan kulit cpt berminyak, pori2 besar yang ingin mencari toner yg fresh. Model toner yang di lengkapi dengan pump, memudahkan penggunaan dan lebih hemat dan terkontrol jumlah pemakaiannya.
Infused with peppermint extract, this works to cleanse away dirt and residue while balancing the skin's natural pH levels, creating a healthy environment for a smooth, fresh complexion that's none to beat. We love how easy-to-use the pump dispenser is too!
MANFAAT : - Menyegarkan kulit dan mengecilkan pori-pori - Membersihkan kotoran , mengangkat sel kulit mati - Mengontrol produksi sebum di wajah.
Peppermint extract - Has antibacterial properties that heal and prevent future breakouts
Lemon extract - Packed with vitamins that help to fight acne and lighten dark spots
Sugar cane extract - Gently whisks away dead skin cells while keeping the skin moisturized
CARA PEMAKAIAN : Pump out and saturate a cotton pad, then wipe onto the skin, starting from the center of the face and working your way out.
SIZE : 250 ml 500 ml
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ETUDE HOUSE - Wonder Pore Freshner Ultra Mint VinegarETUDE HOUSE - Wonder Pore Freshner Ultra Mint VinegarETUDE HOUSE - Wonder Pore Freshner Ultra Mint VinegarETUDE HOUSE - Wonder Pore Freshner Ultra Mint Vinegar