PRODUCT DETAIL Lightweight and easy to apply, Our Flawless Micro Setting Powder will instantly blur your pores and fine lines perfectly! This is the perfect powder to set your makeup in place without looking cakey. You can easily use it to bake and highlight your under eye. Our micro-fine powder will blend effortlessly into your skin creating a smooth and natural radiant effect, perfecting your look with a long lasting flawless complexion.
APPLICATION TIPS - You can use it on top of concealer or foundation to set your make up in place or it can also be used on its own. - If you want to bake your under eye, use a dump sponge and dip it into the powder. Pack on the powder generously on your under eye and leave it for 5 - 10 minutes. - Dust away the powder and you are ready to go!
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Happy Shopping. Terima kasih :)
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ESQA Flawless Micro Setting Powder ORIGINAL | AllaboutfaceESQA Flawless Micro Setting Powder ORIGINAL | AllaboutfaceESQA Flawless Micro Setting Powder ORIGINAL | Allaboutface