MTR-0123 ==========
Deskripsi: ======================= Baca deskripsi sampai selesai - Produk sudah melaui QC, test normal sebelelum dikirim - Keluhan komplain umum : 1. Lampu berwarna merah menyala terus 2. Motor tidak berputar/throttle/reverse
- Penjelasan : karena suply tegangan tidak stabil dan pasti akan merusak IC bagian sub (IC sub akan sangat panas dan tidak bunyi/ tidak bunyi sama sekali tanpa panas). - Tegangan yang tidak stabil bisa langsung merusak IC tanpa bunyi maupun tanpa panas (tidak sempat bunyi sama sekali) ****
-Fitur dan fungsi: 1. Connect the power supply and motor, insert receiving hine, and then there will arise a sound of "DO" which means the ESC has been powered on. 2. If in the center position, the motor immediately sent DO BE MI. If the level is not in the center, the motor will come up a sound of DO, DO. To prompt the user, until the user mediate to center position, DO would stop and immediately issued DO BE MI. Center of a learning finished and start working. 3. The state of the LED, the remote control is in a central location, the LED turn on or off, if go on or ba, LED light would be full on, LED fliers when no signal state.
-Spesifikasi: Operating voltage: 3.0 V - 9.4 V The input signal types: PPM Driving frequency: 2 KHZ Item Output current: Continuous 20A 30 seconds 25A 5 seconds 50A Instantaneous current 80A Weight: 11 g (including wire and plug) Size: 30 X 23 X 5 mm/1.18"X0.98"X0.2" (length X width X thiness) Remarks: (Line on the JST) the red is positive, bla is the cathode 1 X 3 p line bla (cathode), red (the anode).The white line (Signal)
Paket: ======================= 1 x ESC 20A BRUSH MOTOR SPEED CONTROLLER WITH BRAKE