Detail Emina Skin Buddy Dot Burst Face Wash 60 ml - Pembersih Wajah Gel Mild & Hydrating BISA COD
Pembersih wajah gel dengan butiran halus yang membersihkan kulit wajahmu dengan format lembut. Dengan bantuan ekstrak calendula dan Hyaluronic acid, akan menenangkan dan membuat kulitmu terasa lembap serta halus.
A gel face wash with soft particle beads that is mild on skin yet has good cleansing power. It also works to calm and boost skin hydration (thanks to a combinantion of Calendula Extract and HA!), now your skin feels well-hydrated and soft!
Tuangkan produk secukupnya, basahi dengan air dan busakan di wajah. Bilas dan keringkan. Gunakan pagi dan malam hari.
Put small amount onto wet palm and rub it into foam. Apply onto face and rinse thoroughly. Use it twice a day.
Gambar produk
Emina Skin Buddy Dot Burst Face Wash 60 ml - Pembersih Wajah Gel Mild & Hydrating BISA CODEmina Skin Buddy Dot Burst Face Wash 60 ml - Pembersih Wajah Gel Mild & Hydrating BISA CODEmina Skin Buddy Dot Burst Face Wash 60 ml - Pembersih Wajah Gel Mild & Hydrating BISA CODEmina Skin Buddy Dot Burst Face Wash 60 ml - Pembersih Wajah Gel Mild & Hydrating BISA COD