Detail Emina Moist in a Bottle Face Moisturizer 50 ml Rumah Cantik 354
Selamat Datang di toko kami Rumah Cantik 354. Tempat di mana semua kebutuhan kecantikanmu serba lengkap di sini.
BACA DAHULU YAA CANTIK-QUEEE…!! Bila sudah CHECKOUT, berarti sudah BELI. Kalau sudah BELI, berarti SETUJU dengan peraturan toko kami :
1. Semua produk sebelum di kemas telah di periksa dengan sangat seksama oleh tim kami. Tidak ada barang rusak / cacat / pecah / reject yang kami kemas dan kirimkan kepada customer. 2. Bila ingin lebih aman lagi, bisa menambahkan item “BUBBLE WRAP TAMBAHAN” dan juga “KARDUS PACKING EXTRA” yang bisa di cari di etalase toko kami. 3. Bila tidak bisa menerima RESIKO barang rusak / cacat di karenakan handling pihak logistik selama perjalanan pengiriman, HARAP TIDAK USAH DI PESAN yaa cantik-queee.. 4. HARAP VIDEO UNBOXING , tanpa video tidak melayani komplain apapun.
A light texture Emina moisturizer with Macademia oil protects your skin from dryness. It helps to fulfill your daily skin hydration needs.
Emina, everyday is a chance to play, try new things, shared laughter and happiness. Emina understand that pretty are simple and fun. You could be more beautiful not only in your happiness but by choosing the right makeup for your skin.
Emina also understand the unique needs of your skin. That is why Emina presents a complete range of care products and cosmetics are safe to use and easy to apply for you. Because you were born to beloved
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Emina Moist in a Bottle Face Moisturizer 50 ml Rumah Cantik 354Emina Moist in a Bottle Face Moisturizer 50 ml Rumah Cantik 354Emina Moist in a Bottle Face Moisturizer 50 ml Rumah Cantik 354Emina Moist in a Bottle Face Moisturizer 50 ml Rumah Cantik 354Emina Moist in a Bottle Face Moisturizer 50 ml Rumah Cantik 354