Detail Elastrator Rubber Ring -Kerbl- -Aplikator Ring Karet, Applicator, Clamping Jaws
Elastrator Ring Karet, Rubber Ring. Merk : Kerbl, Jerman
Deskripsi: Suitable for sheep,lambs,goats,cattle's tail banding and castration. Help improves the health and welfare of sheep and lambs. The most common way of tail docking is to apply a rubber ring(or band) to the tail using an elastrator tool. The way of castrate animals is to apply a rubber ring around the neck of scrotum,testicles drop off in 10 days or so. Please only do so with the advice of a professional.
Specification: Material: Stainless steel
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Elastrator Rubber Ring -Kerbl- -Aplikator Ring Karet, Applicator, Clamping JawsElastrator Rubber Ring -Kerbl- -Aplikator Ring Karet, Applicator, Clamping JawsElastrator Rubber Ring -Kerbl- -Aplikator Ring Karet, Applicator, Clamping Jaws