Detail EL-125WT-CNI RFID T5577 Card Tag Inkjet Printable Rewritable Clone
Electron EL-125WT-CNI -- Kartu duplikat dengan chip T5577 yang bisa di print menggunakan printer inkjet.
Material: pvc Chip type:T5577 Storage capacity: 330 bits Frekuensi: 125 kHZ Dimensi: 85.5*54*0.84+/-0.02 Communication rate: 9600 bonds Jarak baca: 5-10 cm Reading and writing time: 67 ms Erasable life: > 100000 times Data storage: 10 years Widely used in entrance guard, consumption, hotel lock, water meter, electricity meter and gas meter and a series of ID card management application system.
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EL-125WT-CNI RFID T5577 Card Tag Inkjet Printable Rewritable Clone