Merupakan cara yang mudah untuk menyediakan CO2 untuk tanaman air dalam akuarium air tawar( aquascape ) Tablet akan larut secara perlahan-lahan dalam air sekitar 2 jam. Biasanya masih terdapat sisa2 yg tidak larut. Setiap tablet mengandung karbondioksida ( co2 )yang dibutuhkan oleh tanaman untuk proses fotosintesis.
Pemakaian: 1 tablet dalam volume air 20 liter dapat menaikkan kadar CO2 5mg/L (pH turun sekitar 0.2). Pemakaian setiap hari, dianjurkan untuk menjaga kadar CO2 antara 5-15mg/L untuk akuarium tanaman air.
Description ● Easy and convenient way to provide Co2 for your aquarium plants to thrive. ● By gradually dissolving in the water to release Co2 into the aquarium water. ● Provide same function and effect to bottled gas Co2 ● Simply drop the Co2 tablet into the aquarium water. It takes about 2 hours for the Co2 tablet to dissolve completely.
Features & details ● Easy and convenient way to provide Co2 for your aquarium plants to thrive. ● By gradually dissolving in the water to release Co2 into the aquarium water. ● Provide same function and effect to bottled gas Co2 ● Simply drop the Co2 tablet into the aquarium water. It takes about 2 hoursfor the Co2 tablet to dissolve completely. ● Provide same function and effect to bottled gas Co2 ● Simply drop the Co2 tablet into the aquarium water. It takes about 2 hoursfor the Co2 tablet to dissolve completely. ● Simply drop the Co2 tablet into the aquarium water. It takes about 2 hoursfor the Co2 tablet to dissolve completely.
Product information Package Dimensions 3.2 x 1.6 x 1.6 inches
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ECERAN TABLET CO2 aquascape aquariumECERAN TABLET CO2 aquascape aquariumECERAN TABLET CO2 aquascape aquarium