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For babies who lunch - the Totseat travel highchair is a good out-and-about companion. It converts dining chairs of all shapes and sizes into a highchair, squashes into its own tiny travel pouch and is machine washable. This Totseat is good gift or travel accessory for every generation. . Its compact, squashable and washable and suitable for babies from around 6 - 30 months. It is a versatile, converting high-backed, low-backed, knobbly, open-backed or rounded dining chairs into a safe haven for your little one. It is easy to use, simply slip over the chair back, adjust the length, clip firmly and sit back and enjoy. The cummerbund prevents your little one going through the back of a gappy chair, as well as providing additional support, if required, when wrapped around a chair and child. The Totseat travel highchair is made of robust, comfortable fabric, which is Oeko-Tex approved and it comes in a range of funky designs.