Detail Dried Golden Silk Chrysanthemum Tea Teh Bunga Premium Ju Hua Utuh SACHET
NOTE : Teh bunga Chrysanthemum Nature Concept adalah jenis bunga Golden Silk Chrysanthemum besar utuh yang dikeringkan dan dipacking kaleng vakum, atau individual sachet untuk menjamin kebersihan dan kesegaran produk, berbeda dengan seller lain yang kecil2 dan dipacking kantong plastik biasa.
Chrysanthemum has been used for hundreds of years in Chinese medicine. People use it to treat respiratory problems, high blood pressure, and hyperthyroidism. Fans of the flower also say it can reduce inflammation and calm your nerves.
Dr. J. D. Yang is an expert in Chinese and integrative medicine and founder of Tao Integrative. “Chinese medicine categorizes herbs based on energetic properties rather than the chemical ingredients,” he says. “Chrysanthemum provides mildly cold energy. It has special affinity to the energy channels that lead to the lungs, liver, spleen, and kidneys.” These uses aren’t supported by contemporary scientific research, but have a lengthy history. Chrysanthemum, or “ju hua,” as it’s known in Chinese, is also recommended for reducing fever and cold symptoms in the early stages.
Scientists have started to research the medicinal benefits of chrysanthemums because of their popularity in alternative practices. One studyTrusted Source found that some chemicals extracted from chrysanthemum flowers can reduce inflammation. Another found that chrysanthemum extract could help treat bone disorders like osteoporosis. Nutritionist Renee Rosen, trained at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, has researched chrysanthemum extensively. “One cannot expect to take chrysanthemum and have a miraculous recovery from osteoporosis or to calm nerves overnight,” she says. Rosen advises ensuring the purity and concentration of the preparation. She also recommends taking chrysanthemum for a long period of time to reap the benefits.
#chrysanthemum #organictea #tehbunga
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Dried Golden Silk Chrysanthemum Tea Teh Bunga Premium Ju Hua Utuh SACHETDried Golden Silk Chrysanthemum Tea Teh Bunga Premium Ju Hua Utuh SACHETDried Golden Silk Chrysanthemum Tea Teh Bunga Premium Ju Hua Utuh SACHET