1. Made from 100% Korean Bamboo Fiber, maximising comfort and durability. 2. Highly absorbant and breathable silky soft fibre materials, safe for babies with sensitive skins. 3. Naturally Antibacterial and Hypoallergenic
Size (40x80) Suitable for Baby-Toddler (0-5 Years Old) Can be used as Adult Face or Hand Towel too.
Colors: White, Grey or Pink
Please Write in the Note which variants you purchase.
White: Bear, Blue Dino, Pink Dino or Penguin
Grey: Bunny, Yellow Dino, Girrafe or Green Dino
Pink: Dolphin, Shark, Unicorn or Cat
Lavender Gray : Cat Hero & Duck
Beige : Blue Bear & Pink Bear
- Bamboo Fiber/ Serat bambu memiliki sentuhan yg sangat lembut dan tahan lama - Memiliki daya serap tinggi, pori2 untuk sirkulasi dan anti-bakteri untuk bayi dan orang tua - Berbagai kegunaan seperti handuk mandi bayi dan dewasa, penutup selimut, dan bantal - Cocok dipakai untuk newborn baby/balita.