Perawatan & Kecantikan > Perawatan Tubuh > Deodoran > Dove Deodorant Roll On - 40ml | Go Fresh | Pomegranate | Cucumber | Invisible | Complete Care | Nourish And Smooth | Ultimate Repair | Anti Bakteri
Detail Dove Deodorant Roll On - 40ml | Go Fresh | Pomegranate | Cucumber | Invisible | Complete Care | Nourish And Smooth | Ultimate Repair | Anti Bakteri
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💚 Go Fresh Cucumber • Dove Go Fresh deodorant melindungi ketiakmu hingga 48 jam dan mengandung 1/4 moisturising cream unik Dove untuk kulit ketiak lebih halus dan lembut dengan keharuman cucumber & green tea untuk sensasi segar sepanjang hari
💚 Detail dan BPOM no ✔ Go Fresh Cucumber Anti Perspirant Deodorant Roll On | NA18180905213 ✔ Go Fresh Pomegranate Anti Perspirant Deodorant Roll On | NA18190900006
Gambar produk
Dove Deodorant Roll On - 40ml | Go Fresh | Pomegranate | Cucumber | Invisible | Complete Care | Nourish And Smooth | Ultimate Repair | Anti Bakteri