Piringan mata gergaji untuk dipasangkan di mesin gerinda tangan Penggunaan untuk memahat / mengukir / sculpting / scrabbers kayu dengan ukuran massive misalnya balok kayu atau pohon. Sering juga digunakan pada pengukiran kasar papan papan kayu keras untuk menciptakan pola, sehingga waktu kerja jadi jauh lebih hemat.
Specifications: Grinder Disc Chain Saw takes the muscle work out of cutting, carving, removing and sculpting of wood, plastics, ice and hard rubber with their speed and maneuverability. The chain saw blade is held in place between two steel plates which provides a secure grip for carving. Regardless of grain or knots the blade cuts through the material with ease to the user. Our 22 tooth design provides a smooth “finished” surface which is great for minimal sanding afterwards. Chains can be either be sharpened using a chain saw file or replaced as need be. Great for curved work, like the inside of bowls, for fast waste removal. Warning: It is not advised to use the switch lock feature on any grinder. Doing so may result in serious injury or even death. Fits For 4"" (100mm) or 4-1/2"" (115mm) Angle Grinder