Detail Diamond Painting and Coloring Mainan Anak Mewanai 2 Sisi uk BESAR
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Features: Environmentalprotection DIY diamond painting can cultivate children's interest in the intellectual development of children's hands-on brain
Production steps: 1. to find the corresponding number of diamonds and pour them into diamond-sticked plate with reference to the canvas below the chart 2. to use the diamond-sticked tip to draw appropriate glue 3. to stick the diamonds on the canvas according to the diamond symbol 4. note that the transparent film must be disclosed according to the diamond amount you want to affix 5. the rest of the diamond can be placed in standby ziplock or uesd for DIY 6 remember to press diamonds when finishing with hands or books to ensure that the diamonds are sticked firmly
Diwarnai dahulu sisi drawing, baru dilakukan sisi penempelan diamond🤗 ukuran 18.5 x 26.5