Breathable Neoprene 100 % cotton inside lining isi dalam box 1 pcs warna : krem ( tidak ada pilihan warna )
DESKRIPSI PRODUK * Provides full support of elbow region in conjunction with reducing of the insertion of the extensor carpi radialis tendon. * Provides support and protection during activities which require extensive elbow motion. * Helps reduce pain from tendonitis and bursitis.
CARA PEMAKAIAN * Insert hand into the support. * Pull up to the elbow.
S = 23.2-25.7cm (9 1/8-10 1/8") M = 26.0-28.3cm (10 1/4-11 1/8") L = 28.6-30.8cm (11 1/4-12 1/8") XL = 31.1-33.3cm (12 1/4-13 1/8") puts your measurement in the middle of its range.sellect a smaller size for extra support
Bahan : 70% neoprene , 15 % nylon , 15 % cotton
Catatan : - Mohon pilih ukuran dengan benar -ukuran di detail produk di ambil dari box /keterangan dari produk oppo ( kurang lebih saja ) - ukuran /size bukan di ukur oleh penjual namun berdasarkan keterangan dari produk oppo,jadi kalau ada meleset dikit itu di luar tanggung jawab penjual
Gambar produk
Deker Siku Merk OPPO / Elbow support 1085Deker Siku Merk OPPO / Elbow support 1085Deker Siku Merk OPPO / Elbow support 1085Deker Siku Merk OPPO / Elbow support 1085Deker Siku Merk OPPO / Elbow support 1085