Detail DB [ORIGINAL] 4D Silk Fiber Eyelash Mascara Waterproof Maskara Pemanjang bulu mata alami
ORIGINAL 4D Silk Fiber Eyelash Mascara Waterproof Maskara Maskara pemanjang bulu mata alami harga termurah
Yukk dicoba sis mascara ini magic banget yang bisa bikin bulu mata panjang secara natural , gak perlu extention lagi, dengan mascara ini instan 5 menit bulu mata bisa panjang lho sist :D
Tentang produk ❤ Meningkat tajam dan panjang, membuat Anda lebih menawan ❤ mudah dipakai dan dibawa, maskara bulu mata tahan air ❤dapat digunakan dalam pesta atau riasan profesional, barang-barang penting untuk wanita ❤Mudah menggambar garis tipis halus. Tetap rapi dan segar sepanjang hari - tidak ada corengan atau mengelupas ❤ Tanpa minyak di dalam, air anti-dingin, anti-keringat, tidak kotor.
Say goodbye to stubby lashes and hello to 4D Silk Fiber Eyelashes! This Professional Formula can boosts your Eyelash look like never before! See up to a 500% increase in average length and volume with your first coat—and you don’t have to stop there. Whether you’re feeling Subtle or Sassy, Defiant or Classy, the 4D Silk Fiber Lash Mascara will help you look Beautiful and Gorgeous.
Experience the lash revolution for yourself. 4D Silk Fiber Eyelash Mascara gives you insane length and volume without extensions, fillers, or falsies. This professional formula contains lengthening fibers that can be applied in layers to create lashes that appear to keep growing and growing. Get carried away with the smooth-coating, high-performing 4D Silk Fiber Eyelash Mascara! All it takes is just a few swipes of a mascara wand!
- The Magnifying Mascara Gel provides volume, separation, and length. - The brush bristles are spaced evenly to help separate for longer-looking lashes. - The Silk Fiber fills and adds volume to lashes. - Water & Smudge Resistant - Clump free formula that wears all day... - Brushes on like your regular mascara in 3 simple steps. - To build up the look of your eyelashes to give you the beautiful natural curves. - No glue, hypoallergenic and non-irritating ingredients. - Simple removal – Wash off easily with warm water or facial cleanser.
Suitable for all skin types.
HOW TO USE: Comb Eyelashes Apply mascara evenly on the eyelashes. Apply silk fibers to the eyelashes. Repeat step 2 and apply mascara again.