Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]

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Perawatan & Kecantikan > Kosmetik Bibir > Lip Tint > Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]
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Detail Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]

Video perkenalan produk Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]. Sumber: Shopee.

DAZZLE ME Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lip Stain [BPOM]
Terdaftar BPOM

Bibir sehat merona alami sekarang bisa kamu dapatkan dengan DAZZLE ME Ink-Licious Lip Tint, Dazzlers!

Dengan SPECIAL water-based formula yang ringan dan berpigmentasi tinggi, sempurna dalam 1x aplikasi mudah dan nyaman dipakai setiap hari. Hadir dalam 4 varian warna yang cerah natural, mempercantik sekaligus melembabkan & merawat bibirmu secara EKSTRA karena kandungan Hyaluronic Acid & Castor Oil di dalamnya. Tahan lama HINGGA 12 JAM, water-proof dan transfer-proof, sehingga kamu tidak perlu khawatir saat beraktivitas! As if #YouAreBornWithIT.

Natural plump look
SPECIAL water-based formula
SUPER light & nyaman di bibir
Water-proof & transfer-proof
Lip lines & wrinkles FREE
Mengandung HYALURONIC ACID & CASTOR OIL untuk bibir sehatmu

Get your natural plump lips with DAZZLE ME Ink-Licious Lip Tint!

Ukuran: 2,5g

Varian warna:
Swipe Up (NA11221300106) - PRODUK YANG DITAMPILKAN,
Touch Down(NA11221300109), Smiley (NA11221300105), Oran-gee (NA11221300104).

Cara Penggunaan:
๏ธ Aplikasikan lip tint nenggunakan aplikator di tengah bibir untuk Natural Fresh Look, atau aplikasikan pada seluruh bagian bibir untuk Bolder Juicy Look.

Hurry Up, Limited Stock Guyss

๐Ÿ’‹ Harga Termurah di Shopee
๐Ÿ’‹ 100% Original
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๐Ÿ’‹ Order siap 24 jam 7 Hari NON STOP
๐Ÿ’‹ Pengiriman Free Bubble Wrap
๐Ÿ’‹ Reseller and dropshipper all welcome
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#dazzleme #liptint #lipstik #makeup #kosmetik #produkoriginal #produkbpom #tarababystore

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Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]
Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]
Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]
Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]
Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]
Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]
Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]
Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]
Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]
Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]
Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]
Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]
Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]
Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]
Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]
Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]
Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]
Dazzle Me Ink-Licious Lip Tint | Mattedorable Long Lasting Hyper Moisturizing Lips Stain [TARABABYSTORE]