CUSTOM NAME NAMA INITIAL Acrylic Case IPAD With Pen Holder for NEW IPAD AIR 3 4 / IPAD GEN 7th 8th 9th / IPAD PRO 11 12.9" inch / IPAD MINI 5 6 2020 2021 2022
CUSTOM NAME NAMA INITIAL Acrylic Case IPAD With Pen Holder for NEW IPAD AIR 3 4 / IPAD GEN 7th 8th 9th / IPAD PRO 11 12.9" inch / IPAD MINI 5 6 2020 2021 2022
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Handphone & Aksesoris > Casing & Skin > Casing & Skin Tablet > CUSTOM NAME NAMA INITIAL Acrylic Case IPAD With Pen Holder for NEW IPAD AIR 3 4 / IPAD GEN 7th 8th 9th / IPAD PRO 11 12.9" inch / IPAD MINI 5 6 2020 2021 2022
Detail CUSTOM NAME NAMA INITIAL Acrylic Case IPAD With Pen Holder for NEW IPAD AIR 3 4 / IPAD GEN 7th 8th 9th / IPAD PRO 11 12.9" inch / IPAD MINI 5 6 2020 2021 2022
ACRYLIC CASE IPAD WITH PEN HOLDER Bahan case : Bagian depan silikon belakang akrilik warna bening, glossy dan memantulkan cahaya. Bisa tambah nama/gambar di bagian belakang acrylic (fee applied -> ada tambahan biaya). Untuk case ipad AIR 4/5 menggunakan case yang sama dengan IPAD PRO 11 sehingga lubang kamera kotak mengikuti IPAD PRO 11. Custom print : high quality printing, permanent, tidak gampang mengelupas, bukan stiker, tidak po, waktu proses 1 hari jadi, dibuat berdasarkan order. *CUSTOM NAMA : - Harga di atas sdh termasuk free custom nama MAX 3 KATA (ukuran akan kami sesuaikan) - Hasil cetak permanen, bukan sticker (NO PO, waktu proses 1 hari jadi) - MOHON tulis nama, letak, dan font di notes (khusus shorelines tdk ada huruf kapital) - Kalian bisa pilih jenis font lain di 1001freefont, mohon tulis tipe font di notes - Warna font umumnya hitam, jika ingin request warna putih, harap tulis di notes
FItur : - Smart Wake dan Sleep - Pencil holder (support charging pen) - Shockproof & Fall protection - Soft material & Soft edge
PENGIRIMAN : Kami usahakan pengiriman dalam hari yang sama atau max H+1 Input resi max h+2. Mohon kesabarannya 🙏🏻. . . Thankyou by FoodandStuff. . . . . . . #caseipad #ipadcover
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CUSTOM NAME NAMA INITIAL Acrylic Case IPAD With Pen Holder for NEW IPAD AIR 3 4 / IPAD GEN 7th 8th 9th / IPAD PRO 11 12.9" inch / IPAD MINI 5 6 2020 2021 2022CUSTOM NAME NAMA INITIAL Acrylic Case IPAD With Pen Holder for NEW IPAD AIR 3 4 / IPAD GEN 7th 8th 9th / IPAD PRO 11 12.9" inch / IPAD MINI 5 6 2020 2021 2022CUSTOM NAME NAMA INITIAL Acrylic Case IPAD With Pen Holder for NEW IPAD AIR 3 4 / IPAD GEN 7th 8th 9th / IPAD PRO 11 12.9" inch / IPAD MINI 5 6 2020 2021 2022CUSTOM NAME NAMA INITIAL Acrylic Case IPAD With Pen Holder for NEW IPAD AIR 3 4 / IPAD GEN 7th 8th 9th / IPAD PRO 11 12.9" inch / IPAD MINI 5 6 2020 2021 2022CUSTOM NAME NAMA INITIAL Acrylic Case IPAD With Pen Holder for NEW IPAD AIR 3 4 / IPAD GEN 7th 8th 9th / IPAD PRO 11 12.9" inch / IPAD MINI 5 6 2020 2021 2022