Detail Crystal of the Sea Shrimp Food Powder 20gr Bubuk Udang Rebon WHS
Crystal of the Sea Shrimp Food Powder Isi: 20gr A source of Vitamin B6 Low in Saturated Fat High in Protein Ready to Eat Dapat dikonsumsi anak usia dibawah 1 tahun dan orang dewasa BPOM RI MD 156711001516
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Crystal Shrimp Powder terbuat dari bubuk udang rebon pilihan yang mengandung Vitamin B6 dan merupakan salah satu faktor dalam metabolisme energi dan pembentukan jaringan.
EVATE THE TASTE OF YOUR FOOD Just a small amount of our Shrimp Powder can make a lot of difference due to its naturally sweet flavour and aroma!
CONVENIENT & EASY TO USE Our product is ready to be consumed. Just add on while cooking or sprinkle onto any food (e.g. soup, fried rice, vegetables, etc.) for added nutrition and taste.
100% PURE INGREDIENT WITH NO PRESERVATIVES Our product purely contains Premium Shrimp with no added preservatives, coloring, sugar or salt.
RECOMMENDED FOR PREGNANT WOMEN Vitamin B6 is commonly used to treat nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Adequate amount of Vitamin B6 helps to ensure healthy pregnancy.
DAILY SERVING SUGGESTION < 1 year old : 1/2 teaspoon (half) > 1 year old : 1-2 teaspoon