However if a player on another team suspects you’re passing a signal, they can point and shout, 'YOU’VE GOT CRABS! If they are correct, they steal one of your points. If they are incorrect, steal a Crab Token from the accusing player. The game is over when the last Crab Token has been taken from the Crab Pot. At that point, all teams should count up their combined Crab Tokens. The team with the most Crab Tokens wins. The game is a reimplementation of the classic card game Kemps, but with a different card distribution and breaking up the card swap phase by team.
Barang ini adalah non original, melainkan Replica Ori Membeli = Memahami dan menyetujui
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crabs base board gamecrabs base board gamecrabs base board gamecrabs base board gamecrabs base board gamecrabs base board game